Choose coaching: How orthodontists can boost your clinical confidence.

Want to promote more predictable outcomes in your next clear aligner case? Take the next step in your clinical development by working with an experienced orthodontist. This course explores best practices for working with CandidPro Orthodontists to support your treatment plans and continuing growth as a clinician. AGD Subject code: 370

Thursday, August 29, 2024
8:00 - 9:00pm (ET)
Date: TBD
Time: TBD

1 free CE credit upon completion

1 free CE credit upon completion | AGD PACE 370

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This course will cover best practices for working with orthodontists on initial case setups and refinements. Dr. Shaheen will also review four pre-selected case setups to illustrate his approach.

What we will cover

  1. Understand how orthodontists can promote predictable outcomes
  2. Improve fluency with treatment planning tools
  3. Compare treatment preferences for different case types
  4. Review pre-selected case setups

This event is best for

This course is intended for doctors and practice teams

Hosted by

Ed Shaheen, DDS, MS


Director of Orthodontics

Since 2017, Dr. Shaheen has worked with the CandidPro team of outstanding orthodontists to help develop our current clinical treatment protocols, in close collaboration with treatment planning, operations, support, and executive teams.

Webinar preview

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