The intersection of airway health and orthodontic health is an emerging area of interest for dental providers. At CandidPro, many of our Candid Academy Faculty members are experts in this area of care and have pioneered clinical philosophies that connect healthy occlusion to healthy breathing. And it’s no wonder. Our overall way of moving teeth aims to promote and maintain expanded arch forms—a key element in a healthy airway. However, that doesn’t mean clear aligners are necessarily a cure-all for patients with breathing issues.
Though some patients may report improvements in sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with clear aligner therapy alone, treating these conditions can require a multi-stage treatment plan that goes beyond aligners. If you’re considering leveraging CandidPro clear aligners to help address your patients’ airway health issues, here’s what you need to know.

Does CandidPro create bone growth?
Our clinical philosophy focuses on dental expansion through uprighting teeth. We do not claim to promote bone growth. Uprighting movements have been proven to be predictable and beneficial to many patients, and CandidPro clear aligners can often achieve these movements relatively quickly.
Does CandidPro expand the arch?
Not necessarily. CandidPro does achieve arch expansion via uprighting and tipping movements that create more space for the tongue and may promote a healthier airway. However, CandidPro does not claim to grow or expand the structure of the mandible or maxilla. For cases planned in coordination with mandibular advancement, palate expansion, or similar treatments, we aim to maintain or improve arch development by minimizing the use of IPR when possible and planning movements that do not retract the arch.
Doesn’t expansion cause gingival recession, fenestrations, and dehiscence with the potential to expand teeth “out of the bone”?
It is true that expansion using fixed appliances like bracket and wire braces can cause unwanted outcomes like those mentioned above. However, removable appliances like CandidPro clear aligners are unlikely to cause these outcomes.
Fixed orthodontic appliances cannot effectively upright teeth and rely on torquing movements. Torquing applies orthodontic forces lower on the tooth and is characterized by the lingual movement of the root. This type of movement coupled with the consistent forces applied by braces can more readily cause contact with the buccal cortical plate, vertical bone loss, gingival recession, and other issues. Furthermore, the sustained forces applied by braces may not provide adequate time for effective bone remodeling.

Removable appliances like CandidPro clear aligners exert orthodontic forces closer to the tooth’s crown. Our controlled approach to expansion relies primarily on tipping and uprighting movements that can be done safely and predictably compared to torquing. Additionally, clear aligners utilize cyclical loading cycles—in contrast to the sustained load applied by braces—that provide more time for robust bone remodeling.
Is CandidPro’s clinical philosophy safe for inexperienced providers?
We have a long history of working with airway providers and providers of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to airway health or orthodontics, CandidPro has the clinical support you need to deliver predictable outcomes to your patients while protecting their whole-body health. All of our providers’ treatment plans are supported and approved by US-based, licensed orthodontists who have a deep understanding of orthodontics—including how to create conservative dental expansion while avoiding recession and other unwanted outcomes.
Our goal is to help our providers improve their patients' confidence, oral health, and whole-body health while minimizing the risks of orthodontic treatment. Ultimately, our expertise is a safety net that assists our providers in delivering excellent outcomes that make their patients smile.
Does CandidPro offer treatment plans for mandibular advancement or palate expansion?
The CandidPro clear aligner system does not currently offer mandibular advancement or palate expansion devices or treatment plans. Our airway-friendly protocol may be used in conjunction with these devices and treatment plans to maintain the desired arch form developed by a mandibular advancement device or palate expander. CandidPro can expand the arch via tipping and uprighting movements but does not claim to perform the same functions as devices specifically cleared to develop the overall structure of the maxilla or mandible.
Does CandidPro offer training for those interested in airway health?
We offer several on-demand webinars hosted by airway health experts that explain the benefits CandidPro clear aligner may offer to patients with SDB or OSA in conjunction with other treatments. All of these webinars are available at Candid Academy.